665, Pashupati Sadak, Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu    +977-1-4420202    thecarpentercenter@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

We may collect personal information from you including your name, address, telephone
number or email address when you email us or send us queries. If you choose not to give us
your personal information we may not be able to respond to your queries or provide you with
the products or services, you have requested. We use it only for the fulfillment of your
requests and/or in order to answer your inquiry.

Your personal information is not disclosed to a third party unless the same is necessary for
the fulfillment of your request.

The Carpenter Hardware Center advises that if you receive an email using TCHC’s name and
asking for personal/financial information and have concern about the authenticity then please
treat such email with extreme caution and do not reveal your personal and financial details.